1. 习近平同志作为党中央的核心、全党的核心领航掌舵
with Xi Jinping at the core of the CPC Central Committee and the whole Party to steer this giant ship
2. 《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》
The Recommendations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for the 14th Five-year Plan for Economic and Social Development and the Long-range Goals Through 2035
3. 重要战略机遇期
an important period of strategic opportunity for development
4. 当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局
The world is undergoing momentous changes unseen in a century.
5. “两个一百年”历史交汇点
a new period in which the timeframes of the Two Centenary Goals converge
6. 中华民族伟大复兴进入关键时期
China has come to a key moment for realizing national rejuvenation.
7. 中国已转向高质量发展阶段
China’s economy is turning for high-quality development.
8. 新发展阶段、新发展理念、新发展格局
a new development stage, new development philosophy, and new development dynamic
9. 确立全面建设社会主义现代化国家在“四个全面”战略布局中的引领地位
to define building a modern socialist country in all respects as a foremost element of the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy
10. 深化供给侧结构性改革
to continue supply-side structural reform
11. 把科技自立自强作为国家发展的战略支撑
to take the commitment to independent innovation in science and technology as strategic support to national development
12. 把扩大内需作为战略基点
to emphasize the strategic importance of expanding domestic demand
13. 把新发展理念贯彻到发展各领域和全过程
to implement the new theory of development in all fields and the entire process of China’s national development
14. 把安全发展贯彻到发展各领域和全过程
to implement the idea of development with security in all fields and the entire process of China’s national development
15. 把全体人民共同富裕取得更为明显的实质性进展作为远景目标提出来
to set more notable and substantial progress toward common prosperity of all Chinese people as a long-range goal
16. 构建以国内大循环为主体、国际国内双循环相互促进的新发展格局
to foster (form) a new double development dynamic, with the domestic economy and international engagement providing mutual reinforcement, and the former as the mainstay
17. 决胜全面小康取得的决定性成就
the decisive achievements China has made in completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects
the long-range prospect of basic realization of socialist modernization by 2035
(The document will) serve as a guiding program as China sets out on a new journey toward fully building a modern socialist country and realizing its Second Centenary Goal, and a guide of action for its economic and social development in the next five years and beyond.
The 14th Five-year Plan period (2021-2025) will be the first five years during which China will start a new journey toward the Second Centenary Goal of fully building a modern socialist country, after having achieved the First Centenary Goal of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
Completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and embarking on a new journey toward a modern socialist country
1. 决胜全面建成小康社会取得决定性成就
China’s defining achievements in completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects
2. 我国发展环境面临深刻复杂变化。
The profound and complex changes taking place in the environment facing China
3. 到二〇三五年基本实现社会主义现代化远景目标。
China’s long-range goal of realizing basic socialist modernization by 2035
Guiding principles and priority goals for social and economic development during the 14th Five-year Plan period (2021-2025)
4. “十四五”时期经济社会发展指导思想。
Guidelines for social and economic development during the 14th Five-year Plan period
5. “十四五”时期经济社会发展必须遵循的原则。
Guiding principles that must be followed for social and economic development during the 14th Five-year Plan period
——坚持党的全面领导。Upholding overall leadership by the CPC
——坚持以人民为中心。Pursuing a people-centered approach to development
——坚持新发展理念。Following the new development philosophy
——坚持深化改革开放。Continuing reform and opening up
——坚持系统观念。Taking a systematic approach to overall development
6. “十四五”时期经济社会发展主要目标。
Priority goals for social and economic development during the 14th Five-year Plan period
——经济发展取得新成效。New progress in economic development
——改革开放迈出新步伐。Further reform and opening up
——社会文明程度得到新提高。Greater civility in the public sphere
——生态文明建设实现新进步。Notable progress in eco-civilization
——民生福祉达到新水平。Improvement in the people’s wellbeing
——国家治理效能得到新提升。More effective state governance
Pursuing innovation-driven development and building new economic strong points
7. 强化国家战略科技力量。
Building up China’s strategic capacity in science and technology
8. 提升企业技术创新能力。
Increasing the capacity of enterprises in technological innovation
9. 激发人才创新活力。
Inspiring enthusiasm for innovation
10. 完善科技创新体制机制。
Improving institutions and mechanisms for technological innovation
Accelerating the building of a modern industrial system and optimizing and upgrading the economy
11. 提升产业链供应链现代化水平。
Modernizing industrial chains and supply chains
12. 发展战略性新兴产业。
Developing strategic emerging industries
13. 加快发展现代服务业。
Expediting the growth of a modern service industry
14. 统筹推进基础设施建设。
Coordinating infrastructure programs
15. 加快数字化发展。
Speeding up digitalization
Developing a strong domestic market and forming a new development dynamic
16. 畅通国内大循环。
Boosting the domestic economy
17. 促进国内国际双循环。
Driving both the domestic and the global economy
18. 全面促进消费。
Stimulating consumption in all sectors
19. 拓展投资空间。
Improving the investment environment
Furthering reform in all fields and building a high-level socialist market economy
20. 激发各类市场主体活力。
Stimulating the vitality of various market entities
21. 完善宏观经济治理。
Improving macroeconomic governance
22. 建立现代财税金融体制。
Establishing modern fiscal, taxation and financial systems
23. 建设高标准市场体系。
Creating a high-standard market
24. 加快转变政府职能。
Accelerating the transformation of government functions
Prioritizing the development of agriculture and rural areas and advancing rural revitalization on all fronts
25. 提高农业质量效益和竞争力。
Improving the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture
26. 实施乡村建设行动。
Implementing the rural development initiative
27. 深化农村改革。
Carrying out deeper rural reform
28. 实现巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接。
Advancing poverty alleviation to help achieve rural revitalization
Optimizing the use of territorial space and coordinating regional development and urbanization
29. 构建国土空间开发保护新格局。
Forming a new approach to use and protection of territorial space
30. 推动区域协调发展。
Pursuing coordinated regional development
31. 推进以人为核心的新型城镇化。
Advancing people-centered urbanization
Developing cultural programs and industries and increasing cultural soft power
32. 提高社会文明程度。
Elevating civility in the public sphere
33. 提升公共文化服务水平。
Improving public cultural services
34. 健全现代文化产业体系。
Building a sound system of modern cultural industries
Pursuing green development and promoting harmonious co-existence between humanity and nature
35. 加快推动绿色低碳发展。
Expediting green and low-carbon development
36. 持续改善环境质量。
Continuing to improve the quality of the environment
37. 提升生态系统质量和稳定性。
Enhancing the quality and stability of ecosystems
38. 全面提高资源利用效率。
Increasing efficient resource utilization
Opening up on a higher level and expanding win-win cooperation
39. 建设更高水平开放型经济新体制。
Building an open economy on a higher level
40. 推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展。
Promoting high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative
41. 积极参与全球经济治理体系改革。
Active participation in the reform of global economic governance
Improving living standards and social programs
42. 提高人民收入水平。
Increasing incomes
43. 强化就业优先政策。
Following the Employment First policy
44. 建设高质量教育体系。
Developing a high-quality education system
45. 健全多层次社会保障体系。
Building a sound multi-tier social security system
46. 全面推进健康中国建设。
Advancing the Healthy China initiative
47. 实施积极应对人口老龄化国家战略。
Implementing a state strategy in active response to population aging
48. 加强和创新社会治理。
Creating and improving new ways of social governance
Coordinating development and security and building a Peaceful China on a higher level
49. 加强国家安全体系和能力建设。
Enhancing national security and building security capacity
50. 确保国家经济安全。
Ensuring national economic security
51. 保障人民生命安全。
Protecting people’s lives
52. 维护社会稳定和安全。
Ensuring social stability and public safety
Expediting defense and military modernization and building a prosperous country defended by a strong military
53. 提高国防和军队现代化质量效益。
Upgrading the quality and efficiency of defense and military modernization
54. 促进国防实力和经济实力同步提升。
Building up defense capability in step with economic strengths
The whole Party and the whole nation uniting as one to accomplish the tasks set in the 14th Five-year Plan and the long-range goals for 2035
55. 加强党中央集中统一领导。
Reinforcing the centralized, unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee
56. 推进社会主义政治建设。
Advancing socialist political progress
57. 保持香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定。
Maintaining lasting prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao
58. 推进两岸关系和平发展和祖国统一。
Promoting peaceful cross-Straits relations and national reunification
59. 积极营造良好外部环境。
Working for a favorable external environment
60. 健全规划制定和落实机制。
Introducing sound mechanisms for formulating and implementing the Plan